Litigation Finance Exchange
Accessible Litigation Financing
Bringing together businesses who need litigation funding and alternative investment financiers

Litigation finance Exchange or LIX is a blockchain based marketplace for legal assets. With the use of tokenized litigation cases, LIX opens up the world of investment into legal cases or litigation finance to the masses. On the other hand it makes it extremely easy for people to finance their legal costs.
Why LIX ?

Innovative Solution
LIX tackles the challenge of connecting individuals seeking legal finance with those interested in investment opportunities through a distinctive and novel approach.

Uniting Diverse Expertise
Our team seamlessly combines technical and legal know-how to deliver a world-class solution.

Easy To Use
LIX is made to simplify the process of finding and tracking the funding for your case. It also makes it extremely simple to find a case that you want to invest in and manage your portfolio.
Who can benefit ?
The LIX exchange can be used by claimants (who want to raise funds for their legal cases), lawyers (raise funds on behalf of their clients) and investors (to fund legal cases for returns).
Need funds for your legal case?
Not sure where to start?
Unable to find the right investors?
LIX can help to connect you with
the right legal counsel and get
your case funded.